Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday morning ...

I love you - can I have some bacon?

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

An observation on you humans and your behavior.

Definition taken from Wikipedia:
jobsworth is a person who uses their job description in a deliberately uncooperative way, or who seemingly delights in acting in an obstructive or unhelpful manner.
"Jobsworth" is a British colloquial[1][2] word deriving from the phrase "I can't do that, it's more than my job's worth", meaning that taking the initiative by performing an action, and perhaps in the process breaking a rule, is beyond what the person feels their job description allows. The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "A person in authority (esp. a minor official) who insists on adhering to rules and regulations or bureaucratic procedures even at the expense of common sense."[1]Jonathon Green similarly defines "jobsworth" as "a minor factotum whose only status comes from enforcing otherwise petty regulations".[3]
This is Texas so I suppose a dog might expect some humans to shoot their own feet - just sayin'; not that it really bothers me but come on guys, a little cooperation goes a long way to deciding success or failure!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happieness is a dog watching his puppy fish

Andy puppy was very pleased with his fishing prowess and so I was happy for him as I sat on the dock watching his grinning face proudly displaying his catfish. Lucky for us one of the fishing guides was happy to use these catches as bait and so we did not need to keep stinky fish in the tent with us overnight. My doggy olfactory senses would simply not have been able to tolerate that scenario.

Camping and fishing cont ...

The Andy puppy caught some catfish. Ted let him fish off the boat dock where all the fishing guides gut their catches and so Andy was guaranteed to hook a big fat greedy catfish.
I didn't actually think much of it when I had a sniff and it wiggled too much for me. I'm more of a red meat kind of dog really!

Goose Island - always a good venue for a day out.

Actually, Ted took me and the Andy puppy camping overnight; Even although there was an enormous full moon I was frightened because I could smell lots of strange creatures outside the tent. Ted got cross with me at one point about 3am when I walked all over him in the tent in my eagerness to bark at whatever deadly wild animal was outside the canvas.
Turns out it was probably a raccoon because it stole Andy's fishing bait, including the bag!

Oh well, we had a good time and, when Ted wasn't looking, I had a slurp of his beer and a mouthful of his dinner - don't tell him though or he might be upset with me and that would never do.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The world of social media is vast and complicated; Ping claims to make it simple to manage multiple social network sites.
We shall see.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dancing through Downtown

Today I attended the American Diabetes Association walk in Corpus Christi; here are the photographs.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dr J consulting with Treehouse Art Collective

We were having an initial discussion on getting the group onto the World Wide Web
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

In the dog house

Little Ted was not on his best behavior at church today. Nevertheless it was his idea to join me here rather than any parental punishment!
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday night steak night

I'm just the best fed Brittany in this sub division, woof, woof!
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On guard

I like to stay close to my puppy in the dark of night
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where are my puppies?

Gone to VBS every one. But they'll be home soon!
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Thursday, June 3, 2010

3D Dude - it's the way to go!

Whoa man, you're larger than life this morning. If a dog didn't know better he might think he could stretch out a paw and touch you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


is a dog on "his" couch.
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Prospecting for food

Hmm, do I smell bacon up there?
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Saturday, May 15, 2010

It was a good day

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Woof - this is great fun!

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Dr J & Ted go wading

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I just swam twice around the lake behind a kayak and now I'm kinda tired - woof, woof :-)

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Ah the lake

I'm soaking wet now and on my way back to shake myself over my fellow campers!
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Impervious to the storm

I fear no thunder and lightning, I have survived the night in the flooded tent, now let's go swimming in the lake - woof, woof!
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Boy it's hot in this fur coat

Thank goodness for a bit of a breeze or I'd be boiling in my own fur. Can't wait to get home to the a/c and my bowl of cool water. Oh, hang on, it wasn't that long ago I was looking forward to my walk.
Woof, woof ya can't please all the dogs all the time.
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Memorial Park

Ted and Little Ted walked me to Memorial Park today; well Little Ted rode his bike while his dad walked beside me.
I hope they do this more often cos it beats traveling in the crate on the pickup bed - woof, woof!
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Poor Little Ted

Woof, I'm looking after master Little Ted as he has come home early from his weekend sleep over because he threw up.
Poor wee soul was so excited about his weekend and now he's back home feeling miserable and watching TV.
I wanted to lick him better cos he's one of my puppies but Ted told me that might not be a good thing right now.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

A day of mixed emotions in the Ted family

Woof, Dr Johnson here with the sad news that Miss Molly passed away this morning. She had been going downhill for some time, losing weight and becoming more and more disoriented. So with a heavy heart but a clear conscience Ted agreed to have High Country's Lady Maggie ( Maggie to me as Miss Molly was her "stage name") put to sleep. She was in her fifteenth year and had obviously been a good dog in her younger years.
We took her into our family at the age of 12 years and she had some fun in her old age with us. Sometimes we wished she wasn't here but mostly we enjoyed her company and were glad to help her see out her final years in a happy and safe environment.
Little Ted adopted Maggie right away and became her best friend; they played together every day and he would regularly seek her out just to give her a cuddle.
He says he will miss her but he is 7 years old and has already asked if he can have a replacement puppy!
No disrespect Maggie, I know he loved you dearly.

So Maggie spent her last years with the Ted family at home, in the pool, at the beach, being loved by Ted and Little Ted and tolerated by me (Dr Johnson) and the two cat people of the household. Not a bad way to spend your twilight years.
And that's all I'm going to say on the subject.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Here I am again on the bridge
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday's sorry story

There has been lots of whining and complaining today; Ted went out to breakfast without the puppies and when they woke up Mrs Ted told them to clean their kennels.
Well woof, woof, the wailing began.
When Ted got home, with some delicious smelling bags from the Donut Palace, both puppies were hiding in their kennels having not even started to clean them up.
It's 4 o'clock now and Little Ted, who has embraced the notion that good things may come from compliance with parental instructions, has indeed tidied his room and has promised to keep it tidy. Hmm, I've heard that one before but you never know, this may be the breakthrough event.
Eddie on the other hand has spent all day protesting loudly, using the word "can't" and the phrase "it's too hard" and has packed her bag and left home once already. Her kennel still resembles a bomb site.
Even I despair as my paws get sore every time I go into her kennel 'cos of all the sharp toys lying on the floor!
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